European footpath E7 in Slovenia - Naprudnikova pot od Soče do Mure

The Slovene part of the European footpath E7 starts in Robič at Kobarid and ends in Hoduš Prekmurje. It opened on 12 September 1986 in Mačkovec. Dr. Boštjan Arko and Zoran Naprudnik traced and arranged in on the iniative of Jože Ciglar. The Slovene part of the footpath E7 is 600 km long, and it takes 21 days to walk it.

The following literature on European footpaths is available in Slovenia: Coretese, Dario. 2006. Evropska pešpot E6. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
(At the moment only in Slovene).

Mladinska knjiga in Geodetski zavod Slovenije. 2002. Slovenija - Turistični atlas.
(It contains a detailed description of the Slovene footpaths E6 and E7 in the form of maps).