ERA novice (junij 2022)

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ERA novice (junij 2022)

Post by jcerni »

Webinar ERA E-poti 2022

2. julija 1972 se je rodilo prvo prečkanje E-pot E1 in E5. Zgodilo se je v Konstanzu (Nemčija) ob Bodenskem jezeru. V kratkem vam želimo predstaviti razvoj in trenutno stanje E-poteh in vam dovoliti, da okusite malo teh E-poteh, če nameravate hoditi po njih. Morda pa vas bo virtualna ekskurzija navdušila, da boste nekoč tudi hodili po E-poti. Dobrodošli!

Dnevni red:
Dobrodošli in uvod v E-pote
Kratek povzetek zgodovine 50. E-poti
Trenutno delo ERA, delovne skupine E-path, informacije o E-path prijateljih in certifikatih E-path
Predstavitve E1, E4 in E5 s strani prijateljev E-poti
Praktične informacije:
Oglejte si povezavo in ostale informacije tukaj.



Zaradi vojne v Ukrajini in splošne antipatije do potovanj, ki povzroča nizko prijavo na dogodek EURORANDO 2022, so se upravni odbor ERA in gostitelji v Sibiu odločili, da zadnji teden EURORANDO 2022 spremenijo v TEDEN SIBIU WALKING WEEK, da bi vas kadarkoli pozdravili z naslednjim opcije:
1. dobrodošli v Sibiu, preverite to spletno stran z veliko ponudbo pohodov v okolici in sami uredite pot po svojih željah in možnostih
2. lokalni gostitelji so vas pripravljeni sprejeti v Sibiu v katerem koli letnem času, da vam na vašo željo zagotovijo najboljše... izlete

Kljub političnim težavam v Evropi upamo, da boste našli pot do tega čudovitega kotička Evrope.

2022 ERA E-paths webinar
On the 2 July 1972, the first E-path crossing E1 & E5 was born. It happened in Konstanz (Germany) at Lake Constance. We would like to present you shortly a development and a current situation of E-paths and let you taste a little bit of these E-paths if you plan to walk on them. Or maybe, the virtual excursion will impress you to walk on E-path one day too. Welcome!

Welcome and introduction to E-paths
Short summary of 50th E-path history
Current work of ERA, E-path working group, information about the E-path friends and E-path certificates
Presentations of E1, E4 and E5 by the E-paths friends
Practical information:
See the link and other information here .

Because of the Ukraine war and the general antipathy to travel causing a low registration to the EURORANDO 2022 event, the ERA Board and the hosts in Sibiu decided to change the EURORANDO 2022 final week to a SIBIU WALKING WEEK to welcome you any time with the following options:
1. welcome to Sibiu, check this website with a large offer of hikes in the surroundings and manage the trip up to your wish and possibilities on your own
2. the local hosts are ready to welcome you in Sibiu at any period of the year to provide you with the the best of... tours on your request

Despite the political difficulties in Europe we hope you will find your way to discover this beautiful corner of Europe.
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